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How do I ensure my business can navigate a dip in trading?

Despite the best laid plans your business may experience dips in trading every now and again. While these can be stressful periods for your business, and often feel outside of your control, with careful contingency planning and with strong strategies in place your business can navigate slower periods successfully and come back stronger when custom increases again.

Ways to help you deal with it:


An introduction to ensuring your business can navigate a dip in trading

Dips in trading performance are part and parcel of business life, so it’s vital you know what actions to take.

GUIDES break a challenge down, providing important context and real-world experiences.

  • Based on SME experiences, not corporate jargon
  • Filled with real-world stories
  • Achievable steps every business can take

Other support that's available

How other businesses have tackled something similar

The questions lots of businesses are trying to answer

What issue is keeping you awake at night? A bit of targeted support is often all you need to overcome those challenges.